Build a team of innovative MERN Stack developers
MERN stack is a JavaScript development stack that simplifies the process of building JavaScript applications. MERN stack is primarily used for running four JavaScript open-source components – MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, and NodeJS. With the help of these components, MERN stack developers can deliver an end-to-end framework for building applications. MERN stack developers are strongly involved in full-stack development projects, where they build the software product from scratch.
Enterprises need MERN stack developers to improve their understanding of data science, Big Data, and cloud computing. MERN stack developers have a major responsibility in choosing decisively on the type of JavaScript frameworks to be used and the method of data modeling to be incorporated. The key role of MERN stack developers is to develop external and internal web-services on NodeJS and ReactJS frameworks. They also have an extensive Database experience, which plays an advantage in RESTful API Development.



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